Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Adrenaline Junkie

I may have become an adrenaline junkie.  As compared to the chaotic intensity of the past few years of my life, the relative calm of the past few months is making me crazy.  Coupled with some real behavior problems and far too many minutes spent in the car with a cranky baby, I think I may be losing my mind.  After a rough bedtime this evening, I grabbed my computer and walked straight out of the house.  Only once I had pulled onto the highway did I realize that I have no idea what's open for computer-starers and headphone-wearers at 9:00 at night in my part of town.  The best I could find was a Barnes & Noble in Clarendon.  It doesn't make me feel any more interesting or adventurous, but it gets me out of the house, listening to my own music, and thinking my own thoughts until they close in an hour.

Actually, quite a few wheels have been set in motion within our household lately, and I have a number of half-written posts jostling around in my mind.  My organizational tendencies beg me to sit here and write a few different blog postings, keeping my thoughts need and tidy.  Lets just see if that happens.  But to run with the current theme, I must admit that now that we have settled into a quiet life in the suburbs, I'm getting awfully bored.  We haven't traveled for longer than a day since summer, and my feet are beginning to itch.  We live just close enough to the city to make me hungry for it, but just far enough away that I don't know which restaurants to explore or which places are kid-friendly.  I don't know which bars or coffee shops are open at 9pm on a Monday night.  It seems that I am itching for some major stress to arise, bring on another adrenaline rush, and make me start running again.

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