Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Venezuelan Caribbean

 Yesterday morning, we got out of town.  With two other families, we cruised the highway across Caracas, through Petare - thought to be one of the most dangerous places in the world, and also where our housekeeper lives - and on into the open countryside of Venezuela.  We were outside of the city fairly quickly, and driving on paved but bumpy roads through light jungle, passing homemade houses and skinny cows along the way to the beach.

In Caracas, it rained most of the day Friday.  It seems that the rainy season has begun.  We considered canceling our foray to the beach for Saturday, but were advised that making plans around the weather during the rainy season is pure folly.  So, I grabbed a pack of cards and we took our chances.

We arrived to a very quiet beach with low clouds and a thin drizzle.  With weather in the 80s and a warm Caribbean sea, it didn't slow any of us down.  The kids were all in the water within 5 minutes, and stayed there for most of the day.

 It was lovely, and relaxing.  The sun stayed hidden most of the day, keeping it from every getting hot or crowded.  Men walked the beach plying fresh ceviche ice-creams and offering to cook fish.  Once you said you wanted fish for lunch, they disappeared for a while and returned with a few fresh offerings.  We're guessing they went fishing and returned with their catch.

 Little Annika was very interested in the fresh fish, and also turned out to be the only kid who would eat it.  She liked it.  Of course she did - it was good.

The sun came out in the last 30 minutes or so of our visit, and made the place bright blue and cheerful.  The draw of the sunlight pulled each of us back into the water once more, after we hastily sunblocked ourselves.  It kept the girls fairly safe from that strong sun, but poor Dave is pretty red this morning.  Sophia and I jumped the waves, with my shoulders pulling her up and over many of the higher ones.  Dave's shoulders hurt this morning from his sunburn;  my shoulder muscles hurt from such exercise.

It was about a 2 hour drive to the beach yesterday, with very little traffic.  We made it home in time to unpack and then run to McDonalds, to complete our very chill day.  Everyone slept hard last night.  The whole family now has plans to frequently return to the beach, possibly trying for a weekend in Moroccoy next.  Although we have been warned that this next beach is so lovely, we will be spoiled for all others.  I'm willing to accept that possibility.

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