Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Guest Blog: State of Mind

Lynne has been having difficulty with her internet connection, so I will give a brief reaction to the questions about our satisfaction level.

First, it's good to at least know. That said, there are some definite positves and definite negatives about the result:

- More likely to be able to adopt a baby with more time living in China.
- The chance to live in a new, exciting part of town.
- L-- (and maybe S-- eventually) gets to attend the Wonder Center, a school we are very excited about.
- More time to explore China - there's a lot left to see.

- We have to very quickly leave our current life - even though it's just across the river, anyone who has lived in a "bridge/tunnel" town (San Fran, St. Louis, New York, etc.) knows how dramatic the barrier can be - we will definitely be a lot less close to a lot of the current support system.
- The quick move also likely means less chance of getting the perfect apartment at the right price.
- We had started to assume we were moving and begun to decide we really wanted to leave China. I think this will turn around as we get used to the thought of staying.

On the job front, it's basically "see how it goes" - I wasn't sure exactly how the Singapore position would have worked out, and I'm not exactly sure how it will work out here. I do know that I really like everyone I work with here so it is great to get more time with them (if they don't all quit!).

Lynne will put this all into much more readable verbiage eventually, but that's the crux right now. On balance: we are ok in our heads, but the hearts are struggling with "leaving" all our friends on this side of the Huangpu.

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