Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Luggage Arrival

The whole house was sound asleep, as well we should have been. Lilly tucked into her bed downstairs, and a sick Sophia snuggled between Dave and I in our bed. So sound asleep that when the doorbell rang, we all panicked. The doorbell rings in our bedroom, with a song that fills the entire house. And so when that song began to play at 1:15 this morning, Dave and I began running around like chickens with our heads cut off. What was that song? Why was it playing so loudly? Why wouldn't it stop?

We finally realized that someone was pressing our doorbell repeatedly, causing the loud music in our sleeping chamber. Dave threw a T-shirt over his boxer shorts and raced downstairs, hoping to stop the noise before it woke the children.

A man stood at the darkened door, and beckoned Dave out into the lane with a luggage tag. In only a T-shirt, boxer shorts, and now tennis shoes, Dave walked down the lane and to the truck sent by the airport which sat parked on the street. The nightime delivery man apparently does not physically carry luggage, but only transports luggage. So, half awake, Dave carried three 50 pound bags down the lane. And then collapsed back in bed, for another 3 hours of sleep.

All of our dirty laundry has arrived, safe and sound.

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