Sunday, January 27, 2008


Sometimes I'll watch a movie and think,

wouldn't life be more poignant if I had a soundtrack?

Where I now live, I am so lucky as to have my management company provide my evenings with a soundtrack, at no extra charge. They pipe music over the grounds through small speakers painted green to blend in with the grass.

Unfortunately, my management company doesn't seem quite in-tune with my inner moods. As I walked to the grocery store this evening, they played Richard Marx' Right Here Waiting. The evening was dark and rain drizzled lightly. The streetlights sparkled sadly in the thin puddles.

But I just didn't feel sad.

I felt like a bad actor, unable to play the appropriate character. Clearly, at this point in the movie something sad has happened and I'm walking with a tear in my eye. But no, I really was just off to the convenience store for some milk.

As I left, it fit my mood no better. A classical song that I can not place had been polka-cized, and then pop-ified. Now I felt as if I should jump and skip, possibly race to finish a project in record speed.

If they were a bit more in tune with my emotions, though, the soundtrack would be a pretty sweet benefit.

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