Monday, September 17, 2007

Drama: The Week in Review

Monday and Tuesday
Mission: Empty our house of everything beyond what will travel to Shanghai with us.
Accomplished: We made runs to Goodwill, to my parents' house and to friends' houses. We made lots of trips to the dumpster and to the recycling center. We boxed and shrink-wrapped. We vacuumed, scrubbed and defrosted.

Dave's Mission: Lunch meeting with a client; and secure 4 Employment Visas for entry into The People's Republic of China
Accomplished: Lunch meeting with a client. No visa.
Lynne's Mission: Pack everything for delivery to Chicago, and eventual loading onto the plane.
Accomplished: More bags packed than our baggage allotment with items left unpacked and piled into a box.

Dave's Mission: Secure 4 Employment Visas for entry into The People's Republic of China
Accomplished: A lovely happy hour full of stimulating conversation with some interesting and diverse co-workers. No visa.
Lynne's Mission: Drive the girls and the stuff to Chicago without any adults falling asleep and any children falling apart. Join Dave for the happy hour.
Accomplished: No adults fell asleep, but both girls did. With the help of my mom, we had a very pleasant drive. No happy hour, though.

Mission: Secure 4 Employment Visas for entry into The People's Republic of China
Accomplished: Toured Navy Pier and Millenium Park on a wonderful morning with my mom, bought an I-Pod, ate a tasty lunch, and grew increasingly frustrated with Uncle H-- for not having sent the necessary paperwork for our visas when we requested it... over 6 weeks ago.

Mission: Help L-- and S-- to enjoy a going away party with Dave's extended family.
Accomplished: The girls were charming and enjoyed everyone immensely.

Mission: Relax with the family and complete the final packing job
Accomplished: All bags are packed, although neither Dave nor I feel very relaxed at the time of publication.

Dave's Mission: Secure 4 Employment Visas for entry into The People's Republic of China
Accomplished: Secured 4 Tourist Visas, leaving much more to do upon arrival and possible complications with our shipment, but enabling us to still leave tomorrow.
Lynne's Mission: Secure 4 business class seats
Accomplished: After over an hour on the phone, I secured 1 business class seat - for S--, of all people! But the rest of the family has been priority wait listed, which at least sounds promising!

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