Monday, September 10, 2007

Good Bye, House

To prepare her for all of the change in her life, L-- has a few important library books on loan. One such book is Good-bye, House by Robin Ballard. In the book, a little girl's family is moving to a new house. She says good-bye to each room one at a time, remembering something special that happened in each place. Once they move, she meets a new friend and expresses excitement about her new life. It's been a great transition book for a 2-year-old.

On Friday morning, much of Dave's family came in to help us clean out the house a bit. The kitchen furniture went to the Chicago suburbs, the baby goods went to Grammy and Grandpa's house, and the living room furniture drove all the way to Michigan.

Good-bye, furniture.

On Saturday morning, we walked into the St. Louis Art Fair from Dave's sister's home. After a lovely walk and a tasty lunch, Ben gave his last hugs to the girls. L-- told him she loves him.

Good-bye, Uncle Ben.

On Saturday afternoon, we held the Give Away Party. A number of friends came, and left with their arms full. I enjoyed watching people's joy in their new things. Seeing my 5-year-old neighbor's excitement over my old jewelry box was priceless. A pregnant neighbor and her grandmother came for all of my old maternity clothes and baby gear. Perfect.

Good-bye, stuff.

On Saturday evening, we had a Going Away Party. A lot of the same old crew, eating good food and sitting up talking. We had a wonderful time. And said a few hard good-byes.

Good-bye, Jan.
Good-bye, Eric and Nancy.
Good-bye, Michelle.

This morning,
Good-bye, church.

This afternoon,
Good-bye, Matt and Sarah.
Good-bye, Tim and Kristen.

This evening,
Good-bye, Mark and Carm.

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