Sunday, September 06, 2009

Roach Count

Sighted: 9
Killed: 6
Removed from the house: 2

To kill a roach:
1st - knock it onto its back with a broom (this will remove its superpowers)
2nd - place a glass over top of it (warning - this will give it power!)
3rd - fill a sink with hot, soapy water
4th - slide a plastic cutting board underneath the glass
5th - move the entire operation to the sink, and dunk until roach is definitely in the water

The roach will have drowned within 30 minutes, but the soap will have killed it in under 5.

1 comment:

JenHahn said...

Sounds like you need a roach-killing shoe and a roll of paper towels. I use one of Steve's old boots. Yucky, yes. But fast and 100% effective.