Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sleep Goes First

And once we sacrifice sleep, patience quickly disappears as well, followed by good sense and kindness.

Overall, we have had a successful weekend. We have left the hotel with everything we brought in - although Sophia's purple blanket stayed longer than any of us intended, necessitating an emergency evacuation. We have received all of the boxes which left our house in Shanghai - although not all in prime condition. We have found the onsite. The moving process is going entirely as one would expect.

Which is to say, it is progressing very slowly. It seems that moving in China with two children, an infant and a borrowed dog takes some extra time. The children amuse themselves quite well with their newfound toys and books, and enjoy climbing over and under the boxes or playing hide and seek in all of these new spaces. But the baby still needs feeding and rocking and sleeping every so often. And it may not have been the best weekend to care for our friend's year-old golden retriever. We do a lot of splitting up, take a lot of walks, and Dave and I are exhausted by 9:30 at night. We run out of patience, run out of time, and grow frustrated and the frequent breaks. We see no late nights knocking everything out. Lucky, because we see the entire house awake by 6:30 in the morning.

The girls are back in school this morning, Dave is back at work, and ayi is back in the house. Possibly we will see some progress over the next few days. It is my goal to have the kitchen fully operational by Tuesday evening. And am I too optimistic to think the last box could leave the house by the weekend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope it is going well, Lynne. Wish I could be there to help you. Love you.