Thursday, February 17, 2011

Guest Post: Squat machine

Not recommended for those with a need to walk or even stand:
  • Go about 6 months with the only exercise you take an occasional walk or hike with 3 kids under 5 (read: not very fast)
  • Play ultimate frisbee for over 2 hours on artificial turf.
Not recommended for those without a strong stomach:
  • Try a little Chinese restaurant specializing in frog near the office for lunch. You'll recognize it by the crate of frogs jumping around outside.
  • Ignore the big red "frowny face" on the health inspection sign in said restaurant.
So far, so obvious to everyone. The extra little twist:

Bad combination:
  • Perform the second scenario (the frog restaurant) soon after the first (playing ultimate on unprepared legs)
  • Work at an office that has only "squat pot" toilets.
You have to squat - not sit - every time nature (or the various frog bacteria) calls. All afternoon. On legs that you can barely stand on.

Luckily I made it through. The cure? Well I'm not gonna give up the frog or the ultimate so I'd better start exercising again. One thing I don't need is a squat machine.

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