Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dirty Little Secret

I am worried that I portrayed my message poorly yesterday.  All day, I've walked around feeling nervous;  nervous that I came across as callous and selfish, and accomplished nothing more than convincing people not to visit me.  Even though I may be callous and selfish, I certainly do want you to visit me.  And furthermore, the negativity may have weakened my point.

So allow me to let you in on a dirty little secret:

House Guests are hard work.

Living as an expat in China, my friends and I became quite familiar with hosting House Guests.  I will unreservedly say that we love it.  Rather surprisingly, most of the folks living abroad are quite close to their families and friends back home, and sincerely appreciate anyone who makes that strenuous and expensive effort to visit.  Planning the visit alone is stressful, and we thoroughly appreciate it.  The same is true now, even though I live closer than China - the trip to the East Coast takes vacation days and gas money, and I appreciate anyone who considers visiting.

Here's how the conversation always goes, with only four possible endings:

My friend:  My brother and his wife are arriving next week.

Lynne:  How great!  How long will they stay?

My friend:  They're staying for 3 weeks.

Lynne:  How's that gonna go?

My friend (option #1):  Oh, it'll be fine.  They entertain themselves really well.
My friend (option #2):  Oh, it'll be fine.  They're a big help.
My friend (option #3):  I'm glad they're coming, but its always a little rough. They don't help out at all.
My friend (option #4):  I'm glad they're coming, but its always rather tiring.  They won't go anywhere alone.

So forget any silly rules; forget what a bad roommate I am. 
Just keep a simple mantra in mind: 

Help out and Get out.

Hope to host you soon!

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