Wednesday, December 01, 2010

A Time of Rest

The test is finished.

They spoke on the phone for about 10 minutes. Dave rarely vocalized that he didn't understand, and formed coherent responses to most questions. They spoke for about 10 minutes, and ended on a topic which he did not fully understand. Its possible he passed - its possible he didn't.

We will find out in a few days. I'll let you know as soon as I can.

Meanwhile, Dave's sleeping late tomorrow morning. A well deserved rest, before he must fly to South Korea for the weekend. Yes, the Korea on the brink of world war. Its been a stressful week.


JenHahn said...

Praying for protection for Dave...and that he passed. Praying for peace for the girls he's leaving at home.

Anonymous said...

Look forward to hearing . . . thanks for updating us! Love you guys.