Saturday, May 14, 2011

Moving Once More

Every so often, I post something about how I'm too busy to form a coherent thought, and how you're going to have to forgive my absence for the next while. Well, here it is again. I've had a few nicely thought out posts written in my head. They simmer for a while in my brain, getting better as the day goes on, even marinating into the next day sometimes. But after sitting overnight, the ideas begin to go bad and I eventually have to throw them out. Without time to write, I'm losing any interesting thoughts I derive these days.

However, I am receiving complaints that I've not updated you on our housing. Without further ado, we have a house! That is, we will have a house tomorrow morning. We considered buying a house in Falls Church City, renting it out while we're gone and having a place to come back to whenever posted in DC. But the options were in our price range were few, and they were really pushing the top of the range. So, we're renters. We're renting a lovely house with a yard and a sunroom. We're an easy walk to the Metro that'll take Dave straight to work downtown. Lilly has to change schools, but not until next fall - by then, she won't remember any of her classmates from this year anyway.

We get the keys tomorrow morning, and we're all looking forward to exploring the house and the neighborhood. But even more exciting - we also receive all of our stuff from storage sometime this week. For the first time in four years, we will have nothing sitting in storage. Our entire household will be in one place.

So, the to do list for this week includes all of the regular moving stuff:
  • Cleaning the new house;
  • Cleaning the old house;
  • Moving stuff from this place to that place;
  • Buy a bed for Dave and I, and finding dressers for each of us;
  • Setting up license plates, renters insurance, and school registration
  • Unpacking and generally moving in
And I'll admit - I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to feeling at home, and having everything we need with us. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, with bedding I chose myself. I'm looking forward to every bit of it! If only I had an ayi who could help with the cleaning and the kids. Maybe at our next post.

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