Tuesday, May 01, 2012


I like to indulge myself, thinking about how different my childhood was from the childhood of my own kids.  I suppose that's normal - my childhood was certainly different from that of my parents.  But I still find it striking how many parts of their young lives I will not be able to identify with.

As Third Culture Kids (TCKs), our kids fall into this psychological category of people who grew up outside of their passport country, away from their parents' homeland, and as foreigners in their resident state.  Add on the complications of moving every few years, and you can begin life as my children as well.

But don't worry - although there are some pretty typical psychological responses, there are also loads of benefits of this life.  And I'm meeting plenty of young adults (and older adults) who grew up abroad and are not only well-balanced but also pretty enjoyable.

This little video got me thinking about it:

So Where's Home? A Film About Third Culture Kid Identity from Adrian Bautista on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Andrea Jarr said...

Funny, I have been working on a blog on the exact same topic! TCKs are truly interesting people. Thanks for posting the video as well!