Tuesday, May 28, 2013

El Hatillo

Yesterday was Memorial Day in the U.S., so the embassy was closed.  But it was not Memorial Day in Venezuela, so the schools were open.  This gave Dave and I the opportunity for a date of sorts.  We tooked little Annika with us out to El Hatillo, a small village which was swallowed up by Caracas and still retains much of its Venezuelan character.  We did a little shopping, a little eating, and a lot of enjoying the day.

  This little cutie found a bench just her height.

 The city of Caracas as it rises up the hill.  Imagine this place in an earthquake!

The motorbikes and the powerlines make it harder to notice the charming little homes and brightly colored buildings, but it is lovely.  And seriously about that earthquake!

Lunch on the second floor, looking out toward what rather suddenly is not urban at all.  We spotted banana trees, avocado trees, orange trees, horses and all sorts of other growing things.  Plus, the tortillas were delicious!

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