Wednesday, June 13, 2007


There are so many things flying through my head today, that I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I think that rather than going for interesting prose, I'll make use of the bullet point feature.
  • We're still negotiating the contract on our house. Translation: we still have no contract on our house. We're on the neighborhood house tour this weekend, and sadly, we feel that we need to treat it as an open house. So, lots of cleaning and rearranging. And if we have no contracts by the middle of next week, we're probably dropping our price considerably and listing it with an agent.
  • We've begun studying Chinese. We purchased Pimsleur's Conversational Chinese on CD. So we listen, and speak back to the man in the stereo, for half an hour every day. We've conversed twice so far. He asks us to repeat what he says, and to make sure we're getting the exact intonation. Then he asks us to answer his English questions in Chinese. He's really starting to piss me off.
  • S-- has stopped napping again, and is quickly reverting back to the little pill she spent her first few months as. And this time, L-- is not so understanding. Awake time is spent comforting a fussy child, and Sleeping time is spent tiptoeing around to not disturb the lightly sleeping child. Needless to say, none of the To Do List for showing the house is getting accomplished during the day.
  • I'm beginning to worry that we're going to have to pay if we want to store our furniture. We've got lots of it loaned out to family (thanks, everyone!), but a few select pieces remain unclaimed. And it seems ridiculous to pay $50 or more per month for the right to keep furniture that we paid only a few hundred dollars for to begin with. So we're faced with the option of paying a lot of money to store our goods, our parting with a lot of the goods we paid a lot of money for in the first place.


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