Monday, June 11, 2007

Tardy Excuse

We've just learned an excuse for the tardiness in delivering our relocation package.

The Boss has left the company.

Referenced previously, The Boss runs the office in China and was in charge of putting together Dave's relocation package. The paperwork has been figuratively sitting on his desk for literally 2 months. The interim Boss is an expat, so will hopefully have not only more sympathy for our plight and act relatively quickly, but will also have firsthand knowledge of what is necessary. So my hopes are high that we will actually hear something from Uncle H-- within a reasonable amount of time.

On another note, we are in negotiations with someone over a lease purchase contract for our house. If all goes well, we should not have to worry about this within a week or so.

It seems too good to be true that within a few short weeks we may have both of these issues resolved!


Mom & Dad said...
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Mom & Dad said...

That is awesome news! We will continue praying that all the details work out!!! Love you all so very very much.