Friday, August 03, 2007

What We've Been Reading - Living Abroad in China

Living Abroad in China

The first book we read once we accepted the position in China, this title appears early and often in advice forums. We both read the book cover to cover within 2 weeks of purchasing it (this is fast for us). We went through with hi-liters. We made notes. We brought it with us to stores and doctor appointments. This is a great book.

The authors seem down-to-earth in their approach to life in a very foreign country. They're seeking adventure and more than willing to break out of their comfort zone, so they highly recommend learning the language and traveling. But they're not interested in making themselves and their family miserable, so they provide recommendations of what to ship from home and how. The authors made the move from the Midwest to China with two young children, so their viewpoint often hit home for us.

Probably of very little interest for people not planning a change of address, I highly recommend this book for anyone seriously considering moving to China.

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