Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Fallacy

When we returned to the states, I followed my general jet lag rule. I expected my children to follow the rule as well. The general jet lag rule is thus:

Set yourself on regular time immediately.

So we kept ourselves up as late as possible, and put the girls to bed in a normal fashion. Then S-- woke up at 1:30 in the morning. I was exhausted, and it took me weeks just to catch up on my sleep.

So I returned to Shanghai with a new plan. It doesn't matter how long it takes us to adjust. I will sleep when the girls sleep, and even if we're jet lagged for quite a while, at least we'll be rested.

The fallacy in that plan is that I have two children.

L- has been awake and playing with toys for about half an hour.
S-- continues to sleep soundly.

My saving grace is that I went to bed as soon as possible, on the understanding that Dave would not be getting up with the girls. I slept from 7:30 pm until 1:00 am. Doable. I hope.

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