Saturday, December 20, 2008

Up and At 'Em!

Listing by Chicago time:

3:00pm Thursday - The family began to wake for the day
10:30pm Thursday - We headed off for the airport
3:30am Friday - The flight took off, right on time
8:30am - The girls fell asleep
1:00pm - Everyone's awake
4:20pm - The flight landed, an hour early
10:00pm - To bed, and to sleep quickly
3:00am Saturday - I can not stay in bed another minute

L--, Dave and I are up and putzing around Grammy and Grampa's house, while S-- continues to sleep upstairs. We hoped for crazy Christmas hours at Target so we could use our time usefully and then pick up donuts on the way home. Apparently, opening at 4am would be a bit too crazy for Target.

A good 4 hours of sleep on the plane, and another 6 hours overnight puts us at a pretty good place for facing the week ahead. The flight went well, 2 hours shorter than we had expected. The girls did great; eating, playing and sleeping quite well. I'm not dreading the next flight, although I'm happy its a good 6 weeks away.

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