Thursday, May 21, 2009

Photojournalism - Borneo, Bako National Park

You're used to the photojournalism style now - who needs my useless verbage, right? Words can't describe the beauty of this place, although photos barely do it justice. In fact, so poorly that I didn't even carry my fancy camera this day. And we only took a few photos - how can a person capture such incredible diversity, such layers in front of your face, such difference, such beauty?

Bako National Park lies on the next peninsula over from our resort, so we took a boat to reach it. This is a picture of our resort. Its the green space to the left of all of those buildings. We slept in treehouses just a few meters from the ocean, but neatly hidden behind a screen of jungle.

The trail:

Bako National Park may be the last place the proboscis monkeys still live in the wild. Standing on a trail listening to monkeys crash through the trees above you is surreal. Catching a glimpse of them practically flying is amazing. Check the top right of the photo below.

Further hiking took us uphill, and eventually to the top of the hill where the environment changed dramatically. No longer climbing through rainforest, we were now walking over sand and scrub.

The hike neared its end as we came to a steep cliff, where the sun-baked land ended and the trail dropped directly down to the beach. The perfect place for a kissing picture.

The picture of paradise

We eventually arrived at this beach, took our lunches out of the cooler in that boat, ate, swam, relaxed and then jumped in the boat to return home.

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