Monday, August 17, 2009

A Cool Kid

While Lilly sat at home, worrying herself sick over beginning her second year at a new school, Sophia went to orientation and essentially her first day of school. Although her sister did her best to instill fear in her, it never to Sophia to be nervous about it.

This is one cool kid.

No fear ever entered her heart, in the days or minutes leading up to beginning school.

I stayed with her during the 2 hour orientation, which was essentially a shortened school day. The kids cycled through the music room, the playground, the sand pit, and their classroom. Tiny Tots is certainly no Wonder Center, and Miss Lucy and no Mrs. Leary. But Sophia had no complaints. She cycled through with interest, she piped up loud and clear whenever the teacher asked a question, and she complained when told to stand in line for the 4th time that day.

When she got home, we asked about her day. A few specific questions, to dig some real info out of her.

Q: What's your teacher's name?
A: Lucy

Q: What's your favorite toy on the playground:
A: The swings

Q: What color did you paint with?
A: Red

Q: What was your favorite song?
A: The Wheels on the Bus

Q: Who was your favorite friend:
A: Nobody. I don't like any of them.

Confident that she is better than everyone else around her - I think she's angling for the coolest kid in the class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good going, F!!! Grammy is so proud of you. I can't wait to talk to you to find out all about your school. I love you so much.

And, L, I hope you are feeling much better. I was so sad that you were sick. I love you so much.

Hugs and kisses to both of you (and mommy & daddy, too).