Thursday, April 08, 2010

Taking Precedence

We are now 4-5 weeks away from Jake's arrival.

And with the wait shrinking every day, worries about the far-future are disappearing while the immediate takes precedence. I am becoming more and more nervous about the arrival of this little thing. This little thing that plans to eat in the middle of the night, to cry whenever she wants something, and to move into our home with all of her stuff.

I mean, it occurred to me. Where is she going to sleep? Where will we keep her clothes? Where will we store her diapers? How will I have any patience with my misbehaving preschoolers when I'm only sleeping in 1-2 hour intervals overnight?

She doesn't have a name, a bed, or any sort of a nursery. As I looked back at pictures from our old house, I feel bad for her. Lilly and Sophia both got lovely nurseries, calming and whimsical rooms where all of their gear and clothes could be neatly stashed in color-coordinated baskets. This one will sleep in a box at the foot of my bed. I'll cram her clothes into a newly emptied drawer in my dresser, and I'll pile up her diapers on the living room shelves.

Lilly's nursery:

Sophia's nursery:

weren't they just darling?

This house is beginning to feel pretty small.

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