Friday, June 25, 2010

Lull in the Conversation

Summer has begun, and brought with it long and playful days. We're keeping busy at the swimming pool, on playdates, and creating amazing works of art. Little Annika keeps us busy as well, eating, sleeping, smiling and snuggling. The weather still has the cool of spring, and so we're eating dinner on the rooftop balcony most evenings. Shanghai has felt like home for some time now; and so, although we expected to leave China this summer, we feel no real sadness at remaining here.

Dave still struggles with enjoying his job, which calls for many hours away from home. He diligently studies his Mandarin, working with a tutor for an hour every day and bringing home new words every evening.

I have begun the post-baby diet, exercising during quiet time every afternoon and keeping as close to 1200 calories as possible every day - which means lots of cooking, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Lucky for us we've found a fantastic supplier of local, organic produce. We are enjoying blueberries, french beans and zucchini these days.

And this is why I haven't posted anything lately. Written above could be said on any of the last few days, and any of the coming few weeks. Flurries of excitement will come when they send out invitations to the September class, and when Dave moves forward in the second round of his Foreign Service application. But otherwise, we keep a pretty chill house these days.

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