Friday, November 26, 2010

Feeling Better

Although I offer no apologies for what I wrote last night, I would like to report that I have returned to my equilibrium. Today made a satisfactory substitute for an All-American Thanksgiving. The kindergarten teachers at Lilly's school organized a Being Thankful Brunch this morning, where parents brought in a traditional dish and we all picnicked on the front lawn. It was a wonderfully international spread, with some turkey and cranberries, but also German sausages, taboulleh, Japanese sponge cake, Chinese dumplings and loads of other tasty treats. It lent a festive air to the day, and finished when school let out for early dismissal at 11:30.

Both girls spending the afternoon at home lent a holiday-esque air to the day as well. In addition, they played beautifully, and we had no pick-up at 3:00 so I actually crossed a few items off of my To Do List. A few Christmas presents have been crafted, I finished two pies for dinner tonight, and I actually kept Annika on the schedule I've been striving for over the past few days.

This evening we shared Thanksgiving dinner with friends, and it was lovely. As kids have school and grown-ups have work both the day of Thanksgiving and the day after, we celebrated tonight. I am reminded how blessed we are to have good friends here, and after only a few months. I enjoyed the time spent with everyone, and I hardly saw Lilly the entire night as she immersed herself in the screaming and giggling group of children racing through the house and the garden. We ate the classics, with a few fun foods thrown in by the international crowd who joined us. A British family and a German family joined, as well as the Filipina helpers for two families. Dave and I brought our friend Yen, a Chinese colleague from Shanghai. Good conversation with good friends, good food, and then relaxing around a few bottles of wine, some Hennessy and a pumpkin pie. If this is Thanksgiving, I'm not complaining.

I dressed the girls in fall colors and long-sleeves, so we felt the part as we walked home in the chill of the evening. And now Dave and Yen have gone out for a drink, leaving a quiet house for me to cross one more item off my To Do List. My long-promised Abu Dhabi photos are now posted. Enjoy - and Happy Thanksgiving!

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