Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm sitting on the couch in a deliciously quiet apartment. I took Lilly to her first day at the new school this morning, we met her teachers and explored the classroom a bit, and I left as the kids shuffled in off of the busses. Then I dropped Sophia off for her second day of school. Annika fell asleep on the way home, and transferred nicely into her crib. And now I'm enjoying some long awaited peace and quiet. I know that I ought to be taking advantage of this time to be accomplishing any number of things, but I just can't motivate myself to do anything besides relax, breathe in the fresh air from the open windows, and just do nothing.

I am feeling quite pleased with how we have landed. When I would pick up Sophia from school in Shenzhen, she always ran to meet me at the door with a sad face. On the way home from school, she would tell me that she hated school and explain at least one thing in the day that had made her mad or hurt her feelings. Her teacher seemed unconcerned about this, and so it continued throughout the school year. Yesterday, when I picked her up from her first day of school here in DC, I saw no sad face. I saw a very confident and happy little girl, who told me all about the things she'd done in the day, and who clearly liked her teacher and her classroom very much. She was eager to go back this morning, and walked happily into her class without me.

Lilly has amazed me with her confidence and ability to transition. I have not once seen a glimpse of nerves about starting school. She wants to ride the bus to school, and yesterday explained that its because riding the bus is a great way to make even more friends. She put on her best dress today, treating everyone she met with polite kindness, and although she looked a bit wary when the kids all piled into the classroom, she seemed unconcerned that I was leaving. It was time for me to go, and for her to be an independent young lady once again. I am very proud of her. Fittingly, her teachers were very relaxed and welcoming. She has a number of classmates from State Department families, many which transferred in during the middle of the year. The most recent little boy evacuated from Egypt about 2 months ago. So the new kid in the class will be warmly welcomed, I have no doubt.

Poor Annika is not doing quite so well. Since last week, she's struggled with some minor illness. Both of her sisters become sleepy and snuggly when they're sick. But as little Annika is always snuggly and quiet, being sick makes her angry, wiggly and quite cross. I imagine she will appreciate her quiet mornings with Mommy, but this morning she is simply appreciating a very long nap. And I plan to do the same.

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