Sunday, November 18, 2012

List #4 - Timeline

By now you've probably noticed - I love lists.

Not only is there the spreadsheet of lists in Microsoft Excel which I've been systematically explaining to you.  There's also the notebook of lists, with prices at different stores and items prohibited from shipments per diem per city.  And then there's also the shopping list for Thanksgiving, and the shopping list for Target, and the Thanksgiving agenda (because if I don't write it down, it won't all be done on time!)

And this brings me to the most important list of all.  The Timeline.

The Timeline began as a To Do List.  And then I noticed that I was only adding lines to the list, and never rereading the previously added objectives.  And so I rearranged my list.  If you're one who loves lists, you know that two List Operations are particularly satisfying - Crossing Off of lists and Rearranging lists.

My list is now arranged by things to do BEFORE THANKSGIVING, things to do over THANKSGIVING WEEKEND, things to do BEFORE DEC. 1, things to do Before packout and things to do After packout.  This makes the whole project much more manageable.  It means there are only 7 things I need to do before Thanksgiving.  Of course, not included on that list are the things on my Thanksgiving agenda, sitting here underneath my right elbow.

This may call for a new list.

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