Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A More Beautiful Life

purposefully posted after the previous post - more balanced if you read A More Difficult Life first

Life here is certainly more difficult. Without a doubt.

But life here has such a beauty about it as well - a beauty we never found in our other homes.

Although we can not speak with our neighbors, we still communicate in small ways. Many have earned smiles and nihao! from our girls. Some have shown us paintings they are working on, or flowers they are growing. I find such joy in these simple interactions.

We have fresh food within foodsteps of our home. We live just around the corner from Wulumuqi Lu. When we walk down that street, we say we are going for a walk in China. Although many of the things on the street are nauseating, so many are pleasant as well. The fruit and vegetable stands sell beautiful produce, much fresher than what I purchase at the supermarket. People sell fresh treats - newly pressed waffles, freshly steamed buns, all sorts of savory crepes.

The streets are lined with trees, and even the hottest days of the summer were a lovely time for a walk.

We live in the heart of Shanghai's restaurant zone. We are within easy walking distance of many fabulous restaurants, from the very nice and expensive to the very simple and affordable. We take full advantage.

Nearly every restaurant in town will deliver to us at no fee.

Dave's commute only takes 15 minutes.

The girls' commute to school only takes 3 minutes.

Our home is lovely, with warmly painted walls and fantastic details on the stairs and window transoms. It feels like home.

Our rooftop terrace is amazing. The perfect place for a quiet brunch, a late-night bottle of wine, a dinner party, a racing small bikes. We spent as much time up there as we can.

We take the bad with the good. We are certainly living a more beautiful life.

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