Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Knowing Is Half the Battle

We now know that Dave will fly to Abu Dhabi on Thursday. He's buying a return ticket for 2 weeks later, but we don't really know that won't be changed. We do know that he'll miss Halloween, which is a real bummer. A week-long Fall Break will take place about the same time as his projected return. I looked into just going to Abu Dhabi for the break. What fun would that be! But over 14 hours travel time, and around $1,000 per adult ticket makes that prohibitive. I don't think I could handle three girls on my own in an airplane, layovers and plane transfers included, for such a long time.

Although there is no bright side, we will be just fine. We've got a great ayi. I've already developed a good support system (God is Faithful!). The girls have their routine pretty well figured out. Annie has been waking up 2-3 times a night lately, which'll be rough on my own. But otherwise, we shall survive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for all of you. Wish we could be there to help. Love you all so much.