Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Keychain

Check this out:

This is the number of keys it takes for Dave or I to either enter or leave our apartment.

Well now, that's an exaggeration.  But only slightly.  It takes four keys to go through the doors between our home and the hallway.  That's one key on the steel door and another three on the bars.  There are more keys to get into the building - its not a complex, but a stand-alone condominium we share with probably 7 other families.  There are keys to the storage unit and to the garden and pool, but the rest are to get from the street to our living room.

And with this huge key ring, one would expect that we could at least keep track of our keys.  And yet, this evening Dave and I spent a few heartstopping moments searching the house for my misplaced set.  It was at the bottom of the diaper bag - about the only place something of that size could effectively hide.

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