Monday, December 03, 2012

Santa Claus

In the midst of this upcoming move, our family is also fully enjoying Advent and the Christmas season.  We have a small tree in the living room, covered with disposable decorations and one small string of lights.  It will move to the hotel with us when we begin pack-out.  We're reading the Advent calendar every night and we're playing lots of Christmas music around the house.

Annika, who is 2 1/2, feels that she is experiencing everything for the first time - and such a magical month this is for her!  I recently sang the song Santa Claus is Coming to Town.  She interrupted me to ask:

She:  What is Santa?

Me:  Santa is the man who brings presents on Christmas.
(you really should have seen the wonder on her face as she took this in)
She:  Is he going to bring presents to me?

Me:  Sure.  He brings presents to all the good little boys and girls all over the world.

She:  I want Santa to come right now.

Me:  He's coming soon.  He'll come on Christmas.

She:  I want Santa to come right now.  I want to play with him.  He will be my friend.

Ever since, she has been justifiably enamored with this Santa who will bring her presents on Christmas.  She frequently asks if she can go to Christmas now?  Yesterday, she wore a red dress with a white fur collar to church.  We told her she looked like Santa.  She took it to heart, and didn't allow any of us - including the ladies in Sunday School - to call her by her name.  No, I'm Santa.  I'm going to bring you presents, she would reply.

Its going to be a fun December!

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