Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Next Step

The Wonder Center's acceptance of L--, and our subsequent acceptance of The Wonder Center, means inherently that we will move within the next few months.

The school is over an hour away from us in traffic. We live on opposite sides of the river, and the commute requires riding through a notoriously congested tunnel. Waiting for the tunnel alone is over half of the commute - the distance is only about 10 km.

So I looked at apartments yesterday. We're considering 3 locations, and none of them is perfect. Worse, none of them takes the advantages of our current location and builds upon them. We will lose either walkability or expat community, both of which I rather rely upon in our current home.

I fear for myself with this move. The largest struggle for me so far has been finding a community. After 7 months, I feel completely at home here and with a community that I enjoy and fit in comfortably within. I fear moving and having to build one again, especially with unknown bars to grasp onto. The complexes I like the most had no playgrounds, no Activity Box nearby. Where will we meet people?

I am excited about the prospect of a new home, and a wonderful new area to explore. Living across the river will without a doubt be a more interesting place to live, with loads of nooks and crannies, shops and restaurants to explore. But I fear for myself and my loneliness.

Perhaps its time to update the prayer request. Since God has shown it is His intention for L-- to attend this school, let us rest assured that He has a full plan for where we will live and how we will live as well.

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