Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Have Arrived

I finished all of my Moving In shopping today. I can let my credit card rest, and just relax in my fully-lit, fully linened, fully-dished house. But it was actually yesterday when I truly realized that I had arrived at a normal state. I realized it when Lori came over.

Lori has been a rock for me these past few months. I knew Lori in Shanghai. My kids knew Lori's kids in Shanghai. And even though two years had past, they all played together beautifully within minutes. Lori has a comfortable home and a big backyard. Lori has a helper who enjoys our little Annika. Lori has listened; Lori has provided babysitting; Lori has given doctor references; Lori has offered her backyard as respite; Lori has been a Godsend.

So yesterday, with all the furniture and the dishes and the bedding generally arranged, we finally invited Lori and her kids over for the day. I had lunch for kids, and lunch for adults prepped and ready to fix. Within 30 minutes of her arrival, I had the house clean (that is, of course, 30 minutes after she was scheduled to arrive. thank goodness they were late!)

Lori did not feel so organized that morning, and had to drop the kids and run so she could meet someone who had stood her up over an hour before. She made it back later in the afternoon, in time to pick up the kids and go home. While she was gone, the kids all played beautifully and her wonderful housekeeper kept an eye on them so that I could relax a bit and get some things done around the house. Of course, I would have enjoyed chatting with Lori for the day. But it was lovely to get so much done, knowing that my kids were happy.

But here's the best part.

When she arrived, things were still a bit of a mess. She let me in on the confusion of the day, and of the summer. And she summed it up flatteringly. She said she was having a day much like I've been having for the past few months.

I'm not saying I'm going to be Well Put Together from here on out. But it felt refreshing to be the stable one.

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