Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Game Changer

The upshot of The Morning Race is that it keeps me awake.  Bolting about from one stop to the next, always arriving just a few minutes late, running those last few steps to lessen the impact keeps me from falling asleep on any of those long drives.  Its go! go! go! until Sophia sits in the backseat of the car telling me about her morning.  Then I should face a peaceful afternoon - pleasant conversation on the way home, simple lunch, and then a nap.

Anyone who has visited me over the last 5 years will be quite familiar with Quiet Time.  Quiet Time has taken place in our house at exactly 2:00pm for years.  The girls go to separate rooms and make no noise.  I have some peace and quiet - a chance to think, to prepare dinner, or to grab a quick nap.  An hour or two of much needed Quiet.

This habit is so engrained in me that even on vacations without my children, I still myself growing drowsy at 2:15.

Little Annika is the Game Changer.

During all of those frisky morning drives, she dozes.  When we get home, she feels perky.  She remains perky until around 3:00 - only 20 minutes before we need to leave the house again to pick up Lilly.  We're struggling through getting her enough sleep right now.  So far, we have provided her a teenager approach, which includes very short naps during the week and a nice, long nap on the weekend.  This seems rather unhealthy, so we're still tweaking it.

But the real problem is the disappearance of Quiet Time.  I haven't paid my bills in weeks!  I barely manage to clean the dishes before I need them again.  I shouldn't really be napping anymore!

I'm beginning to miss having an ayi.

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