Monday, April 22, 2013

Again with the Bugs!

Bugs may be the hardest part of my lifestyle.  When you live in one house for many years, you figure out how to cope with your unique pest problems and they eventually cease. 

After a few months here, we've managed to control the little miniature ants which covered our kitchen.  Grants Kills Ants ships directly to us from Amazon and keeps me ant-free.  Well, it doesn't keep me ant-free, but it makes the ants a small enough number that they don't creep me out.

The mosquitoes seem to have slowed down within the house.  Amusingly, we do have mosquito screens on at least half of our windows.  But the half with a screen is always next to a half without a screen.  It seems the mosquitoes are generally clever enough to move over a foot or so and still sneak in through the windows.  They were quite nasty on our first few weeks.  Then we found some plug-in repellant which seems to have quieted the number making residence in our house.  The occasional mosquito quite maddeningly flies in front of my face every so often, but no one wakes up with the mosquito pox anymore.

The gutter bugs go away as soon as we run a pint of water down each household drain.  Easy enough.

The maggots disappeared as soon as we moved our brand new potatoes to the refrigerator.  After a year of eating our fruits and vegetables straight from the farm, it seems a bit sacrilegious to store potatoes (and apples and more) in the refrigerator, but I digress.

It rained yesterday.  Torrential rain.  You know how on movie sets they have to pour down way more water than will fall in a real life rainstorm?  Because otherwise, you wouldn't see the drops on camera.  They could just film in Caracas, because my camera would certainly have caught the raindrops.  Buckets emptied out of the sky for 30 minutes or so.  It was awesome.

And the following day, we found all sorts of little flying bugs hanging on the dining room drapes.  And swarming near the dining room light.  And sometimes falling on our plates during dinner.  I lost my appetite.

So, now we close the windows when we close the drapes.  I wipe my hands of this issue - one more problem fixed!

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