Sunday, March 04, 2007

Infant Passport

Here's a funny thought.

S-- needs a passport.

I mean, of course she does. Crossing international borders requires a passport. Hence, moving an American citizen to China would require that citizen to have a passport.

Still, its a funny thought. A child's passport expires in 5 years. S-- is nearly 3 months old. I imagine that any child between the ages of 3 and 7 will be able to pass in and out of the country on her passport in five years.

That she is so young, coupled with the fact that we do not leave immediately, raises the question -

When do I have her picture taken?

On one hand, every day she grows and looks older. So, the longer I wait the better the picture.
On the other hand, we could conceivably leave as early as May. Let's count backwards - assume we need 8 weeks to get a visa. If we leave at the end of May, that's the beginning of April. Assume it takes 6 weeks to get a passport. That shows that her photo ought to be taken and application mailed in the middle of February.


But we won't leave in May.

Will we?

An illustration of my current frustration. How do I plan anything?

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