Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Living Simply

I went to the wedding of a close friend this past weekend. Their ceremony was beautiful, and reflected the couple in a touching way. Evident in their ceremony as well as their reception was the couple's commitment to living simply. The wedding has caused me to reflect upon my life. It seems to me that this move is the perfect opportunity to purge my house.

When we were considering moving to Chicago, I felt that we would need a large home with plenty of storage space. In planning to move to China, I expect to have a condo with less square footage than our house, and very little storage space. Although I should admit that we will rent a storage unit, I only plan to use it for the piano and some important heirloom quality pieces.

Everything we own will fall into one of four categories:
1 - Take it with us
2 - Pay to store it
3 - Loan it to family
4 - Get rid of it

It is my hope that most items fall under the lattermost category.

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