Friday, March 23, 2007

No News is Good News

I realize that immediately after sharing my website with many family and friends, I also stopped posting. The blame partially falls upon my computer, which was in the shop for a few weeks. But the rest of the blame, well, doesn't fall anywhere.

There is simply no news.

After accepting the job on February 14, we have heard nothing more.

That's not entirely true. We do know that Uncle H-- will be sending both Dave and I to China for a "look, see" before we move. And yes, that is the technical term. Even though it sounds rather unprofessionally like "oopsey." And we do know that Uncle H-- is leaning toward sending us to Shanghai, but that the Hong Kong option is still open.

But seriously, that's it.

And I've decided that's okay. I was feeling frustrated with the lack of information. I mean, I have decisions I need to make and actions I must take that are time-sensitive, dependent upon when we will leave the country.

But I'm not in a hurry. If it takes them a while to put this together, that's longer our girls have to hang out with their family in the US. And I have to trust that they will give us enough time to manage anything that is time sensitive.

So I'm not listing the house next week. And I'm not applying for visas. But I did get S--'s passport photo taken, and will send off the application soon. And that's all okay. I have made the conscious decision to be relaxed and take this entire process as it comes. And if a lack of information means that I just sit back, relax, and wait for details to come, then No News really is Good News.

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