Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Air Shipment - Moving day #1

The air shipment gets packed today, and the living room has been entirely disassembled. The girls packed their lunches in plastic bags today, and we're each wearing whatever sat on top of our bags. I feel pretty confident that we can fit in everything we want - a few dishes, a few books, a few blankets, a few toys, and a lot of clothes to fill our little apartment in D.C. for the next year. May have to jettison the bikes, but I believe that all other things are go.

Thank goodness Nana and Poppa have been here for the last week - they will stay until next week. How would I have packed the house, and managed the kids and the kitchen at the same time? Dave's last day with Uncle H-- will be Friday. What a disaster this week would have been!

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