Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Heart Moving

You may think I'm crazy, but I really enjoy moving. I enjoy all aspects of it - from the change of scenery to the actual packing of boxes. I've run on high energy these last few weeks, managing the logistics of a complicated household move, and thriving on the task. In fact, I'm becoming convinced that moving is good for you. Here's why:

Moving instead of The Gym
As a special treat to myself, and also to help a friend build her business, I had a personal trainer at the gym for the past few months. She's a good trainer, and I felt myself growing stronger and fitting into my jeans better. I ate well, I exercised three times a week, and I had a healthy body.
But now that I've entered into Moving Mode, my jeans are practically falling off. Something about the stress of moving seems to burn calories like nobody's business. This although our kitchen is fully packed, leaving behind plenty of food but no dishes to prepare it with. We're eating a lot of meals out, and in Shenzhen that means we're eating a lot of bad food. My stomach's not always happy at the end of the day, but my waistline seems to be doing quite well.

Moving to Purge
I suppose some people move in a much quicker fashion, where they simply box everything they own and send it off to the next house, where those boxes arrive a few days later. Our move is nothing like that. We have a list of items which can not move in either shipment - this includes food and liquids, providing a great time to purge the kitchen and bathroom of items which have sat on the shelf for far too long. Sadly, we also purge the kitchen of half-full bags of flour and opened containers of food coloring. Still, the clean-out is refreshing. And it goes beyond the perishables. Why move a baby swing when we won't have anymore infants in our family? Out it goes. Why carry around books we have already read? Out they go. We have moved every year, and each time I enjoy clearing out the things that we rarely use.

Moving to Simplify
Purging certainly simplifies, by causing me to think through which items I actually want and use on a regular basis. But this in-between time is a lovely exercise is simple living as well. We're living in our home this week, but as if we were living in a hotel. I've already packed our blankets and towels, all of our dishes, and all of the books and toys. Using the kitchen with only a few spare items, most of which are broken, proves to be an interesting challenge. Watching the girls play outside with sticks, flowers, and socks is beautiful.

Moving to Value Others
Saying good-bye is certainly the hardest thing about moving. And moving regularly makes saying good-bye all the more bittersweet, because we have no illusions of staying in regular contact or living as neighbors ever again. By the grace of God, I have made some true friends in our short time living in Shenzhen, whom I will be sad to leave. I am not callous about this, and I am aware of the challenges each member of our family faces by leaving our friends behind every few years. However, moving provides a pleasant opportunity to express to your friends how much you value them. These last few weeks, I find myself chatting with the same people as always, and enjoying all of our neighbors and companions just as much as ever - I have not really checked out. But I also have no real need for lunches and coffees with people I don't know very well. I am fully aware of who my close friends are, and I am coveting my time with each of those people. Further, I have the opportunity to tell them and to make time for them during a busy season.

Moving to Break Out of that Comfort Zone
The number one reason to move every few years is because we live in an exciting and varied world, and what fun to explore a new place! I am giddy with excitement about living in the D.C. area. So many sights to explore in the district; so many parks, libraries and restaurants to enjoy in Northern Virginia; and so many places to hike, swim or daytrip in the Mid-Atlantic. My only regret is that we won't have enough weekends or gas money to visit all of the fun places! But this regret is well tempered by the place we'll move next. Wherever it is, we'll be studying up on the local sights for months beforehand and hit the ground eager to explore our new neighborhood.

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