Monday, March 07, 2011

Moving Right Along

All is moving according to schedule, and thank goodness. After a relaxing weekend in Hong Kong with the parents (where we stepped off the bus right into this protest), we came back to jump right into a busy packing week. We're dealing with customs and with things going three different directions, and so today I'm tearing apart the house to prepare to packers to arrive tomorrow.

Dave finishes work on Friday, just as the last shippers leave the house. We'll fly out next week, after a crazy week of camping out in the house, eating off of paper plates, closing out bank accounts and seeing friends for the last time. A good-bye party in each classroom, and then we'll be off.

So far, Sophia is showing quite a few signs of struggling but everyone else seems happy and well-adjusted. We'll see how a broken down house effects them. But as it means they'll all be sleeping in our bed for a while, I doubt anyone will mind too much.

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