Friday, November 16, 2007

The Hiring Process, Part 1

Ayi Jenny came over this afternoon during naptime. I told her our family's needs and expectations while the girls slept. She smiled and nodded at everything I said - a possible indication that she understood very little. I was less concerned about her answers to my questions, and more interested in watching her interact with the girls.

L-- woke up first. L-- has a strong shy side, especially when tired. She watched Ayi Jenny, but would not leave my side or speak a word. Ayi Jenny didn't mind.

S-- did not rise on her own, so we all went in to wake her up. Upon seeing the sleeping S--, Ayi Jenny gasped with delight. I love babies! S-- woke up quickly, and studied Ayi Jenny intensely for quite some time. Ayi Jenny gave her the space she needed to warm up, and quickly S-- was climbing into her lap and showing her toys. Ayi Jenny played with her, spoke to her, caught her when she fell, identified the need for a new diaper, and showed clear excitement about working with her.

She only spoke to L-- when spoken to, if then. This may be alright. L-- prefers making friends on her terms, rather than someone else's. But I fear that this scenario will push L-- into being a mama's girl and take S-- out of my arms. Of course, I'm not hiring a caretaker - I'm hiring someone to clean and do my laundry. How much does her interaction with the girls matter?

I think we'll see if there are any other interested candidates. If you know anyone with expat experience who understands some English and wants full-time work, we pay 2,500 RMB per month (about $325). That's the top of the payscale, folks!

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